My Valentine!

The Farmer got me the most gorgeous flowers today for Valentines! Calla lilies are my very favorite!

they even have a polka dot ribbon!

they look so pretty on my table!
These are the ones he sent me on our very first Valentines together in 2008, when I still lived in Montana! If nothing else, the boy knows what my favorite flower is!! hehe!! :)

Tonight we are having our Valentines-Stay-Home-Date! For the past few years we have done this, since I hate crowds and waiting! Instead, we put the boys to bed, order pizza and devour one of those sampler cheesecakes all while watching a movie or episodes of a Netflix series! Last year was House of Cards, but season three wont be released until next we are re-watching the first two seasons to get caught back up!! :) Can't wait! Love our Valentines tradition!

Hope yall have a great Valentines with the ones you love! :) 

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